Please register using the form below
Your first name
Your last name
Phone number
Your email
Gender MaleFemaleOthers
Country New Zealand
Please check this box if you are booking for a couple, please don't fill another registration form for your partner
Your Partner's name
Please note that this registration request does not guarantee a spot for the online Satsang as spots will be allocated on a first come first serve basis (total limited to 100 people). If you would like to contribute to support the activities of the The Satsang Foundation New Zealand, Please make your contributions by transferring money to the TSFNZ Account No - 02-0576-0045666-000 along with your last name in the details and use "OSNOV24" as reference. The contributions are tax deductible. We will be meeting in a single locations in Auckland and Wellington. Zoom links will be sent out on an exception basis.
By clicking submit, you acknowledge that you agree to the above terms and conditions